Michael J. Fox celebrates his oldest child’s birthday with precious father-son pics

 Michael J. Fox is one proud dad! The actor celebrated the 34th birthday of his son, Sam Fox, on Instagram on May 30. "Happy Birthday to my big bouncing baby boy @palekidd you are the best," Fox wrote in the caption. "Proud to be your pops. Love you!" The "Family Ties" star, 61, shared a photo of his son, who is an actor and producer, blowing ...

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4120 Hits

6 Essential Software for iPhone Users With Windows PCs

6 Essential Software for iPhone Users With Windows PCs 6 Essential Software for iPhone Users With Windows PCs

Apple and Microsoft make some of the best hardware and software in the market, which may prompt you to buy products from both of them. However, their respective products are not the most compatible; for example, iPhones and Windows PCs, making it a major pain point for users. Nevertheless, bridging the gap between Apple and Microsoft devices is bec...

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4373 Hits

5 upcoming foldable phones you could wait for instead of buying the Pixel Fold

Folded phone Folded phone

This could be the biggest and busiest year for foldable phones yet, because we've already seen multiple foldable handsets launch this year, including the Oppo Find N2 Flip and the Google Pixel Fold, and there are quite a few more still to come. These includes new models in established lines as well as brand-new entrants to the foldable phone arena....

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4018 Hits

Hundreds Attend Funeral for Unknown Newborn Found in Garbage Truck

In the Getty image, Gabriel Tavarez prepares equipment inside of a hearse at Perches Funeral Home in El Paso, Texas, on December 4, 2020. - Funeral homes in El Paso have been dealing with an unprecedented number of Covid-19 related deaths in the last months. On Saturday, more than 100 community members gathered in Plain City, Ohio for the funeral of an unidentified newborn found in the back of a garbage truck earlier this month. In the Getty image, Gabriel Tavarez prepares equipment inside of a hearse at Perches Funeral Home in El Paso, Texas, on December 4, 2020. - Funeral homes in El Paso have been dealing with an unprecedented number of Covid-19 related deaths in the last months. On Saturday, more than 100 community members gathered in Plain City, Ohio for the funeral of an unidentified newborn found in the back of a garbage truck earlier this month.

More than 100 people packed an Ohio funeral home to say goodbye to a newborn who was found dead in a garbage truck earlier this month, according to local police and media reports. Community members paid their respects on Saturday morning to the unidentified newborn, dubbed Madison Baby Doe because she was found in Madison County, Ohio, according to...

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4060 Hits

What is the Wagner group? A look at the mercenary group accused of ‘armed mutiny’ in Russia

This video grab taken from a handout footage posted on May 5, 2023 on the Telegram account of the press-service of Concord -- a company linked to the chief of Russian mercenary group Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin -- shows Yevgeny Prigozhin addressing the Russian army's top brass standing in front of Wagner fighters at an undisclosed location. - The head of Russian paramilitary group Wagner on Friday threatened to pull his fighters from the front line in Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine on May 10, saying ammunition shortages meant they faced This video grab taken from a handout footage posted on May 5, 2023 on the Telegram account of the press-service of Concord -- a company linked to the chief of Russian mercenary group Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin -- shows Yevgeny Prigozhin addressing the Russian army's top brass standing in front of Wagner fighters at an undisclosed location. - The head of Russian paramilitary group Wagner on Friday threatened to pull his fighters from the front line in Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine on May 10, saying ammunition shortages meant they faced

Long at odds with Russia's military leaders during the war in Ukraine, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner mercenary group, took his feud to a new level Friday when he leveled accusations that his fighters had been struck and vowed revenge. The threat, made on his official Telegram channel, sparked a crisis in Russia, where the country's Fede...

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4031 Hits

Brussels Airlines Airbus A320 Tire Bursts At Vilnius, Impacting 24 Flights

Brussels Airlines Airbus A320 Tire Bursts At Vilnius, Impacting 24 Flights Brussels Airlines Airbus A320 Tire Bursts At Vilnius, Impacting 24 Flights

On Wednesday, June 21st, a Brussels Airlines Airbus A320 experienced a burst tire as it was preparing to depart from Vilnius Airport in Lithuania. The location of the incident, which blocked a key taxiway, resulted in an hours-long flight suspension and several diverted flights.  Incident details The Vilnius Airport incident occurred at 16:20 ...

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4388 Hits

The 11 Oldest Operating Hotels in the United States

Are you a history buff looking to stay at one of the oldest hotels in the country? If so, you will love the picks on this list! The United States has a rich and unique history, with beautiful architecture dating back hundreds of years. While we don't have thousand-year-old castles like those in Europe, you can still find many interesting places to ...

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3591 Hits

The U.S. Postal Service is making a massive change to the way it delivers mail and packages: ‘We are moving forward’


The United States Postal Service is expanding its fleet of electric delivery vehicles with over 9,000 EVs from Ford.The USPS has established contracts to purchase 9,250 EVs from Ford. The postal service also plans to install 14,000 charging stations across the country to power its electrified fleet. Last year, the USPS only planned to make 10% of i...

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4212 Hits

This Warning Could Mean Big Trouble Is Ahead for Oil Stocks by 2030

This Warning Could Mean Big Trouble Is Ahead for Oil Stocks by 2030 This Warning Could Mean Big Trouble Is Ahead for Oil Stocks by 2030

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently published its medium-term outlook for the oil market. On the one hand, the IEA expects oil demand to continue rising over the next five years. However, it sees demand growth slowing considerably by 2028, suggesting that the world is nearing a peak for oil consumption. That led the IEA to issue a stern ...

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3535 Hits

The Decorating Tip That'll Make It Easier For You To Avoid Built-Up Clutter

Floral arrangement on sunny table Floral arrangement on sunny table

Dining tables and other flat surfaces often become a magnet for clutter. How many times have you walked into your home and dumped an armful of groceries, backpacks, receipts, or spare change on the nearest surface top? It's certainly tempting to drop everything and "clean it up later," but there is one decorating tip you can use to limit your clutt...

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3945 Hits

BREAKING: Baseball Team Refuses To Change Their Controversial Name Despite Major Backlash

Baseball Baseball

The Macon Bacon are here to stay. That name may sound goofy to you, but it's the actual name for a baseball team in Macon, Georgia that plays in the Coastal Plain League. Now, you certainly wouldn't think of "Bacon" as an offensive name for a sports team. If anything, it's cool to have a team named after a food or drink item of some sort. There are...

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3954 Hits

RUMOR: Philadelphia Eagles Unload Playmaking WR On AFC Rival In Intriguing Trade Proposal

PHILADELPHIA, PA – SEPTEMBER 21: Philadelphia Eagles mascot Swoop performs before the Philadelphia Eagles take on the Washington Redskins at Lincoln Financial Field on September 21, 2014 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images)© Provided by Total Pro Sports Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni has had high praise and rave revi...

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4277 Hits



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24 June 2023
Life journey
 Michael J. Fox is one proud dad! The actor celebrated the 34th birthday of his son, Sam Fox, on Instagram on May 30. "Happy Birthday to my big bouncing baby boy @palekidd you are the best," Fox wrote in the caption. "Proud to be your pops. Love...
24 June 2023
Apple and Microsoft make some of the best hardware and software in the market, which may prompt you to buy products from both of them. However, their respective products are not the most compatible; for example, iPhones and Windows PCs, making it a m...
24 June 2023
This could be the biggest and busiest year for foldable phones yet, because we've already seen multiple foldable handsets launch this year, including the Oppo Find N2 Flip and the Google Pixel Fold, and there are quite a few more still to come. These...
24 June 2023
World Story
More than 100 people packed an Ohio funeral home to say goodbye to a newborn who was found dead in a garbage truck earlier this month, according to local police and media reports. Community members paid their respects on Saturday morning to the unide...
24 June 2023
World Story
Long at odds with Russia's military leaders during the war in Ukraine, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner mercenary group, took his feud to a new level Friday when he leveled accusations that his fighters had been struck and vowed revenge. The...

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Adi Kusdianto
24 June 2023
Tour & vacation
On Wednesday, June 21st, a Brussels Airlines Airbus A320 experienced a burst tire as it was preparing to depart from Vilnius Airport in Lithuania. The location of the incident, which blocked a key tax...
Adi Kusdianto
24 June 2023
Apple and Microsoft make some of the best hardware and software in the market, which may prompt you to buy products from both of them. However, their respective products are not the most compatible; f...
Adi Kusdianto
24 June 2023
PHILADELPHIA, PA – SEPTEMBER 21: Philadelphia Eagles mascot Swoop performs before the Philadelphia Eagles take on the Washington Redskins at Lincoln Financial Field on September 21, 2014 in Philadelph...
Adi Kusdianto
24 June 2023
Economy & Business
The United States Postal Service is expanding its fleet of electric delivery vehicles with over 9,000 EVs from Ford.The USPS has established contracts to purchase 9,250 EVs from Ford. The postal servi...
Adi Kusdianto
24 June 2023
Life journey
 Michael J. Fox is one proud dad! The actor celebrated the 34th birthday of his son, Sam Fox, on Instagram on May 30. "Happy Birthday to my big bouncing baby boy @palekidd you are the best," Fox ...


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25 June 2023
The Macon Bacon are here to stay. That name may sound goofy to you, but it's the actual name for a baseball team in Macon, Georgia that plays in the Coastal Plain League. Now, you certainly wouldn't t...
25 June 2023
World Story
Long at odds with Russia's military leaders during the war in Ukraine, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner mercenary group, took his feud to a new level Friday when he leveled accusations that h...
25 June 2023
This could be the biggest and busiest year for foldable phones yet, because we've already seen multiple foldable handsets launch this year, including the Oppo Find N2 Flip and the Google Pixel Fold, a...
25 June 2023
Tour & vacation
Are you a history buff looking to stay at one of the oldest hotels in the country? If so, you will love the picks on this list! The United States has a rich and unique history, with beautiful architec...
25 June 2023
World Story
More than 100 people packed an Ohio funeral home to say goodbye to a newborn who was found dead in a garbage truck earlier this month, according to local police and media reports. Community members pa...


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